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To transform the current European e-learning ecosystem. That is the ambition of the e-DIPLOMA project, funded by the world’s largest research program HORIZON EUROPE.

The European Association for Innovation and Growth is a partner in the project E-DIPOLOMA – ELECTRONIC, DIDACTIC AND INNOVATIVE PLATFORM FOR LEARNING BASED ON MULTIMEDIA ASSETS  coordinated by the Universitat Jaume I, through the research group “Interactive Visualisation” of the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT). The project is approved by the European Commission within the framework of the European Union’s top research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe. The main objective of the project is to develop a new e-learning platform that will combine virtual reality, artificial intelligence, interactive technologies, chatbots and gamification.

The e-DIPLOMA project, formed by nine international entities started on September 1st 2022. The UJI leads the international consortium formed by Innogrowth-European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria), the University of Tallinn (Estonia), the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), , the CSI Centre for Social Innovation (Cyprus), the training and research cooperative ARIS (Italy) and the company Brainstorm Multimedia (Spain). The Universitat Jaume I-Business Foundation of the Valencian Community also participates in the project as a partner entity of the UJI, to support the dissemination and communication activities of the project.

In the first phase, the Horizon Europe e-DIPLOMA project will examine the strengths and weaknesses of the current European e-learning ecosystem, as well as the benefits of the latest technologies for online training, especially in experiential learning. e-DIPLOMA will analyse the usefulness of disruptive technologies to support education and training systems, specifically in practical distance learning and, therefore, the project focuses its analysis on the training levels of practical pre-university education and higher education.

In the second phase of the project, following a co-creation methodology, it will be determined which technologies are the most suitable for dealing with different types of educational methodologies.

In the third phase, the platform to be developed in e-DIPLOMA will host three educational modules that will integrate artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, interactive technologies and gamification techniques, and pilot experiences will be carried out in different countries so that cultural aspects can be taken into account when assessing the results obtained.

Finally, in the fourth phase of the project, based on the results obtained previously, the e-learning platform developed will be redesigned and redefined.

In a transversal way, the use of these new technologies and the digitalisation of training will also be studied in terms of inclusion, accessibility and sustainability. To this end, an e-learning environment will be created that will avoid raising new inequalities between people and even countries. e-DIPLOMA will investigate the potential, opportunities, barriers, accessibility and risks of the use of emerging technologies for education, in order to support the digital transformation from the understanding of the social, ethical, political and economic impacts of digital practices. Another of the fundamental pillars of the project is the adequate training of teaching staff in relation to new educational technologies.

The e-DIPLOMA project is supported by partners such as Castelló Provincial Council (Spain), CECAP Valencia-Asociación Empresarial de Centros de Formación de Valencia (Spain), Finnovaregio (Belgium), RESET-Research and Education for Empowerment and Social Transformation (Cyprus), Florida Centro de Formación (Spain), Estonian Board of Education and Youth, IES Álvaro Falomir (Spain), Regional League of Cooperatives and Mutuals of Umbria (Italy), Satori Labs (France), János Neumann Computer Science Society (Hungary), Sofia University of Technology (Bulgaria), Professor Doctor Asen Zlatarov University (Bulgaria), Bulgarian-German Vocational Training Centre (Bulgaria) and the company Senseglove (The Netherlands).

In addition, the study and results of the e-DIPLOMA project will be supported by the international expert committee composed of Vladislav Slavov, vice-dean of the Sofia University of Technology (Bulgaria), Marini Catiuscia, head of the European Office of the Department of Policy, Training, Employment and International at Legacoop Umbria (Italy), Ülle Must, director of Development at the Estonian Board of Education and Youth, Dr Tobias Ley, professor at the Danube University Krems and the University of Tallinn and Dr Frédéric Mertens de Wilmars, expert and lecturer in European and Gender Issues with extensive experience in higher education. It brings together leading professionals who will work to create a new paradigm for online learning, and to increase the resilience of the educational world linked to the digital transformation.

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (ERA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.



Microfunding Cultural
and Creative Sectors

International partners collaborate to promote entrepreneurship and access to finance in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

“ProCCS: Microfunding Cultural and Creative Sectors” is a project supporting the overall cultural and creative sectors (CCS) by bridging the skills gap of professionals in the sector and connecting them with the business and microfinance sector. The aim of this project is to support cultural entrepreneurs in the implementation and financing of their business ideas.

It is a well-recognised fact at the EU level that the CCS is amongst the fastest growing sectors of the economy. Nevertheless, the challenges in accessing finance are one of the most critical obstacles to its growth. Additionally, the ongoing Covid-19 crisis has particularly impacted the CCS due to the sudden and massive loss of revenue opportunities.

This project will create access to a European community of mentors who are specialized in providing online training and tutoring to CCS professionals as well as supporting their microbusiness ideas by easing access to credit and funding opportunities. The project will also support financial intermediaries in better understanding of unique needs of the CCS and to reinforce their awareness of the economic potential of the sector itself. Specifically, Pro-CCS will develop a training course for financial tutors and business development services providers, a distance training course addressed to CCS professionals, and a toolkit addressed to financial intermediators to support business start-up in the cultural and creative sector.

Pro-CCS is a transversal project, as it is led by a diverse group of partners that cover the full range of the project activities: a national public body (Ente Nazionale per il Microcredito, Italy) expert in the implementation of microfinance policies and tools at European and national level; an innovation and business centre (InnoGrowth, Bulgaria); a business incubator part of a worldwide network (ImpactHub Leipzig, Germany); one umbrella organization supporting the CCS at EU level (Culture Action Europe, Belgium); one consultancy company (Euradia Italia) specialized in institutional relations, project management and communication.

Pro-CCS is co-funded by the European Union and will run until January 2024.

Check the project website for more information and subscribe to the newsletter here.

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+359 877 16 80 69

Piloting for VET Providers Readiness Innovative practices in a digital era


PROJECT NUMBER: № 2020-1-BG01-KA226-VET-095173
The Erasmus + project “Innovative Keys for Social Entrepreneurship: Piloting for VET Providers Readiness Innovative practices in a digital era” was official launched on April 28th. It gathered all consortium partners composed of universities, public institutions, VET providers, research centers and NGO. The variety and a range of expertise of partners is complementary and indispensable to develop the innovative e-learning platform for VET providers and Social Entrepreneurs. Altogether, the project involves 6 full partners from 4 EU countries and the Ministry of Labour and social policy in Bulgaria as associated partner.
The partners were officially welcomed by the President of InnoGrowth, Mrs. Tanya Trayanova and by dr. Teodora Todorova from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Bulgaria. Dr. Todorova emphasised the importance of the project for the future of the Social entrepreneurship not only in Bulgaria but also in all over the Europe.
Main objectives of the meeting were to set the official start of the project, establish relations between all partners, provide clarification and define the specific work that each participant is going to make in the following months.
Tomorrow the kick-off meeting will continue with the clarification about the administrative & financial rules. A special session will be dedicate to explain the Risk Management Plan, the Quality Management Plan and the Communication & Dissemination Plan. These three documents was prepared during the first month of the project and are an indelible part of implementation process.
IKSE focuses on the follow objectives:
In first place, to deploy innovative digital tools and methods to deliver quality and inclusive education through online/virtual means, including blended teaching, training and learning. In second place, to support learners, teachers and trainers in adapting to online/ distance learning. In third place, to promote safer and more responsible use of digital technology. And fourthly, to define how to best incorporate digital online technology into subject-specific teaching, training and learning, including work-based learning.
Expected Results:
The project is aimed at producing several outcomes: in first place, a toolbox regarding e-learning international best practices for digital learning design and social entrepreneurship. Then, an E-learning training course for E-learning designers and VET Key Actors which focus on digital learning main competences – within the EQF, ECVET, and EQARF. In third place, it will deliver the design of 4 Drivers for Social Entrepreneurship Key Competencies to manage e-learning efficiently. Those drivers will be managing, social impact, digital innovation and circular economy. Moreover, IKSE will develop a e-learning platform and several learning materials for IO 2 and 3 that will include how to create innovative design for platforms and training courses, innovative tools and methodologies for e-learning and standards of establishment for e-learning and material production. Finally, the project will develop a roadmap of e-learning implementation and a set of policy recommendations. It will be complemented for several online events for courses delivery for staff and VET actors training. Though these outcomes, IKSE bets for a to making a more digital, fair and inclusive Europe.
This project is coordinated by InnoGrowth – European Association for Innovation and Growth- NGO (Bulgaria) and involves the following partners.
Aris – professional training and research center (Italy)
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón – public body (Spain)
Ankara Directorate of National Education – public body (Turkey)
National Agency for Microcredit – public body (Italy)
Bulgarian-German Vocational Training Centre – public body (Bulgaria)
Associated partner: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Republic of Bulgaria)
Start date: 04/04/2021
End date: 03/04/2023

For more information:

+359 877 16 80 69 (soon available)


Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme brings over €26.2 billion to support mobility and cooperation

The new Erasmus programme 2021-2027 has been launched. The first annual work programme and the call 2021 have also been published.

The programme’s budget is €26.2 billion, compared with €14.7 billion for 2014-2020. This will be complemented by about €2.2 billion from the EU’s external instruments.

With this increased budget, Erasmus+ will be more inclusive, more digital, and more green. It will also include DiscoverEU which offers 18 year-olds the possibility to get a European rail pass to travel, learn from other cultures and meet fellow Europeans.

For more information:

+359 877 16 80 69

Европейската Зелена сделка, кръгова икономика и измерване на продуктовия отпечатък върху околната среда

На 26 януари 2021 г. Европейската асоциация за иновации и растеж (България) и Университетът за научни изследвания – Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies (Италия) в сътрудничество с Министерството на околната среда и водите и Изпълнителната агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия проведоха първия от поредицата специализирани уебинари посветени на Европейската Зелена сделка и кръговата икономика.

Материалите от събитието може да намерите: ТУК

По време на уебинара, проф. Никола Фабри представи PEFStarterТова  е онлайн инструмент, създаден за компаниите (и по-специално за МСП), които искат да се запознаят с метода PEF (ПООС) и да разберат неговите цели и възможности.

PEFStarter е безплатен, онлайн, лесен за използване инструмент, достъпен на италиански и английски език. Не се изисква регистрация и отнема по-малко от час.

Ако желаете да разгледате или изпробвате инструмента PЕFstarter, може да го направите: ТУК , би било много полезно ако това се случи преди провеждането на втория уебинар, който ще се проведе на 2 февруари  с начален час 15:00 ч.

Тема на уебинара : Как да направим анализ и мониторинг на екологичния продуктов отпечатък

Повишаване на конкурентоспособността на българския бизнес

Всички компании знаят какво е „кредитоспособност“, всеки път, когато поискат кредит или банков заем, те трябва да се справят с този аспект. Колкото и невероятно да изглежда, банките и финансовите институции стават все по-чувствителни и към „екологичната способност“ на компаниите. Как да въведете „екологично счетоводство“ във вашата компания? Как да го превърнете в конкурентно предимство? Има ли реални ползи от екологичния маркетинг и комуникация?

Лектор: проф. Никола Фабри

Продължителност: 15:00-17:00 ч.

Какво ще научите:

Ще научите нови управленски подходи за повишаване на конкурентоспособността, как да въведете екологичен контрол във Вашата компания и какви предимства ще ви донесе;

Ще разберете кога и как е възможно да се направи LCA / PEF, какво означава „екодизайн“ на даден продукт и как това ще се превърне в основна стратегия за пазара на зелени продукти през следващите години;

Ще разберете логиката на “екологичното счетоводство” и как това може да се използва като инструмент за устойчиво финансиране и зелен маркетинг;

За допълнителна информация:

За всички въпроси, свързани с уебинарите, моля свържете се с нас:

+359 877 16 80 69

Европейската Зелена сделка, кръгова икономика и измерване на продуктовия отпечатък върху околната среда


Безплатни СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРАНИ уебинари за българския бизнес

Европейската Зелена сделка, кръгова икономика и измерване на продуктовия отпечатък върху околната среда


Европейската асоциация за иновации и растеж (България) и Университетът за научни изследвания – Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies (Италия) в сътрудничество с Министерството на околната среда и водите и Изпълнителната агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия  организират поредица от специализирани уебинари посветени на Европейската Зелена сделка и кръговата икономика.


Покана: Моля кликнете  ТУК

Програма: Може да се запозанете с програмата ТУК

Регистрация: Уебинарите са достъпни чрез бърза регистрация ТУК


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+359 877 16 80 69

Environmental Footprint for Improving and Growing the Eco-efficiency

Webinars - Bulgaria (ZOOM platform)
European Green Deal, Circular Economy and Product Environmental Footprint

The European Association for Innovation and Growth in partnership with the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy) in collaboration with the Bulgarian Ministry of Еnvironment and Water and the The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency is organising a series of webinars focused on Circular Economy and Product Environment Footprint (PEF) . The initiative is part of the European project “Environmental Footprint for Improving and Growing the Eco-efficiency”, financed by the European Union under the LIFE programme.

The main objective is to disseminate the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) Methodology among companies of EU member states in order to stimulate the adoption of the assessment of their environmental impacts. This action it is fully in compliance with the Eu Green Deal Policy, that will be on of the main pillars of the EU strategy for the “Next Generation Funds”.

The first webinar will be held on January 26 at 3:00 pm, 2021

Topic: European Green Deal and Circular Economy 

The second webinar will be held on February 2 at 3:00 pm, 2021

Topic: Product Environmental Footprint and  competitiveness

The third webinar will be held on February 9 at 3:00 pm, 2021

Topic: LCA / PEF  tools


For more information, please see the programme below.


The aim of EFFIGE is to improve the environmental performance of companies operating in the various merchandising sectors; this aim can be achieved by implementing the EU Product Environmental Footprint method (PEF) described in the Recommendation 179/2013/EU.
By using the PEF as an instrument that supports the in-house decision-making process of the companies – thus removing the any informational asymmetries on the final good market – EFFIGE will sustain the pilot companies and in particular the SMEs with the aim of improving its own environmental “hot spots”, thus introducing more sustainable products and services.

The EFFIGE project furthermore aims to:

  • Prove the efficacy of the EU’s PEF method to sustain the improvement of the environmental qualities of the products obtained;

  • Help to develop and spread the environmental footprint of the EU, which has become an absolute priority in the political programme of the European Commission in terms of the green economy and circular economy. The ultimate aim is for the PEF to gain territory in Italy and the EU, focusing on sectors that have not yet been involved in the European pilot studies. Thanks to the EFFIGE project, at least 21 PEFs will be conducted in accordance with Recommendation 179/2013/EU, in 4 different yet fully relevant supply chains: furniture, foundry, agri-food, catering;

  • Develop “preparatory documents for the future rules on the PEF category” in sectors that are not presently covered by the PEF pilot studies promoted by the EU, with the aim of improving the comparability with regard to the environmental impact and environmental sustainability between companies operating in the same sector and, consequently, to allow consumers and companies to take more informed decisions

  • Remove the typical difficulties that influence the implementation of the PEF within the SMEs, by creating back-up instruments that have already been experimented in the pilot tests, and are then used more widely in other production and territorial settings;

  • Contribute, as requested by the Commission (Regulation 2013/179/EU), to the development of public databases that are dedicated to the environmental impact of the different manufacturing sectors, ready to be used by the SMEs to achieve the PEF;

  • Develop clear guidelines and approaches to streamline communications in relation to the environmental performance of the various products, thus testing the instruments and means of communication of the Union, drafting and distributing “NO Greenwashing” guidelines thanks to the activities undertaken by the work group;

  • Stimulate the integration of the PEF method in the other environmental policies of the UE, through various suggestions and guidelines devised by the workgroup for the integration of the PEF;

  • Create instruments and approaches that are easy to repeat and transfer, dedicated to the green economy and have not yet been covered by pilot studies on the PEF.

The initiative has been promoted by the Institute of Management of the Higher School Sant’Anna, which plays the role of coordinator and technical partner of the project. Along with Sant’Anna, the technical activities will be followed by Enea, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. In addition to the two technical partners, EFFIGE has five organizations representing the before mentioned sectors: Agrica and Consorzio Agrituristico Mantovano “Verdi Terre d’Acqua”, for the agro-food industry, Assofond in the Italian foundries, Federlegno Arredo, in the furniture sector and CAMST in catering. These five organizations will help many Italian and European companies implement PEF and be “pilot experiences” of eco-innovation and competitiveness. The distinctive element of the project is, in fact, the synergy between companies, academia and associative and consortium.

For more information:

Annual national meeting on demographic issues

The challenges of today, tomorrow and the days to come and the role of the Silver Economy
Tuesday, December 1st 2020, 11:00 a.m. ZOOM
Organizing Body: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

The Annual national meeting on demographic issues, entitled: “The challenges of today, tomorrow and the days to come“ organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria will be held on December 1st 2020 at 11:00h.  

The event will be open by Mrs. Dubravka Šuica European Commissioner for Democracy and Demography. Mrs. Šuica will present the demographic challenges in the EU and the priorities of the EC.

The conference will continue with the speeches of the Mrs. Mariana Nikolova, Deputy Prime Minister on Economic and Demographic policy and Mrs. Denitsa Sacheva, Minister of  Labour and Social Policy. The main purpose of the meeting is to better understand the demographic aspects and policies and the lessons learned from the pandemic COVID- 19.

We are glad to inform you that the European Association for Innovation and Growth will take part in this important event with a specific panel dedicated to the Silver Economy.

What is the Silver Economy?

The silver economy includes all those economic activities, products and services designed to meet the needs of people over 50. This concept, derived from the so-called silver market that emerged in Japan, — the country with the highest percentage of people over 65 — during the 1970s to refer to the senior market, brings together sectors as diverse as health, banking, automotive, energy, housing, telecommunications, leisure and tourism, among others.

One of the keys to the silver economy will be in technological innovation. Advances in home automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), eHealth and other services typical of smart cities, arouse the interest of a public that is mature but that is too young to feel old. Below we review the features that best define the consumers of the silver economy:

  • They have high purchasing power and are free of economic burdens.
  • They use their time to do what they always wanted: to travel, enjoy new experiences, give themselves a treat, etc.
  • They are active people who like to take care of themselves, play sports, eat well, be fashionable and have fun.
  • They are loyal to their brands, consume more than young people and require more specific and personalised products and services.
  • They have more free time and like to take advantage of it with cultural and leisure activities.

Opportunities of the silver economy

The European Commission predicts that in addition to generating billions in profits, the silver economy will significantly contribute to job creation and the European Union’s (EU) gross value added (GVA) by 2025. Below, we analyse the main opportunities offered by the silver economy:

  1. Silverisation of sectors. New products and services will emerge on the market adapted to the needs of older people. To achieve this, it will be important to rely on gerontechnology, which is the area of technology that studies human ageing.
  2. A boost to new professions. The ageing of the population will lead to the creation of jobs and the emergence of careers related to the silver economy, for example in the area of care for the elderly.
  3. Investment in strategic plans.The rise of the senior economy will encourage governments to invest in solutions that improve health care and the independence of the elderly, for example

Digital Education Action Plan

Resetting education and training for the digital age (2021-2027)

The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) outlines the European Commission’s vision for high quality, inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe. It is a call to action for stronger cooperation at European level.

The new Action Plan has two strategic priorities

1. Fostering the development a high-performing digital education ecosystem

This needs
  • infrastructure, connectivity and digital equipment
  • effective digital capacity planning and development, including up-to-date organisational capabilities
  • digitally competent and confident teachers and education and training staff
  • high-quality learning content, user-friendly tools and secure platforms which respect privacy and ethical standards

2. Enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation

This needs
  • basic digital skills and competences from an early age
    • digital literacy, including fighting disinformation
    • computing education
    • good knowledge and understanding of data-intensive technologies, such as artificial intelligence
  • advanced digital skills which produce more digital specialists and also ensure that girls and young women are equally represented in digital studies and careers

Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience

The European Commission presented the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience. It sets ambitious, quantitative objectives for upskilling (improving existing skills) and reskilling (training in new skills) to be achieved within the next 5 years. Its 12 actions focus on skills for jobs by partnering up with Member States, companies and social partners to work together for change, by empowering people to embark on lifelong learning, and by using the EU budget as a catalyst to unlock public and private investment in people’s skills.

The aim is to ensure that the right to training and lifelong learning, enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights, becomes a reality all across Europe, from cities to remote and rural areas, to the benefit of everyone. The Commission is placing skills at the heart of the EU policy agenda, steering  investment in people and their skills for a sustainable recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses need workers with the skills required to master the green and digital transitions, and people need to be able to get the right education and training to thrive in life.

Global Education Monitoring Report (UNESCO)

Inclusion and Education - All means all

According to the latest UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR), Inclusion and Education – All means all, which was published on the 23rd of June 2020, 14 per cent of adults worldwide lack basic reading and writing skills. The reasons for this vary from missed early-years of schooling to the impact of conflict and instability, migration pathways, and lack of access to quality education in mother-tongue and first languages. The report reveals that those who are excluded from the education system at an early age often remain disadvantaged for the rest of their lives. In addition, fewer than 10 per cent of countries worldwide have laws ensuring full inclusion in education.
Although the report does recognize some progress in basic literacy skills, it found that women continue to have a lower proficiency in literacy compared to men. In addition, current projections show that the number of adults who have not completed primary school in Africa may remain above 10 per cent until the 2050s, even if universal primary completion is achieved by 2030. This data includes new estimates for 72 countries, including 21 countries whose previous national literacy rates were from 2010 or earlier.

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)

DESI 2020

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU Member States in digital competitiveness.

DESI is made up of 5 dimensions:

Broadband connectivity
Access to a fast and reliable broadband connection (including fixed and mobile connections) is crucial in the current context, in which key societal and economic services are delivered online.

Human capital – digital skills

Digital skills are the backbone of the digital society. They enable people to use digital services and engage in basic activities online, especially when mobility is restricted.

Internet use of citizens
Internet use by individuals soared during the pandemic. Generalised confinement translated into recurrent access to social media and entertainment platforms as well as to teleworking, e-commerce and e-government services. 

Integration of digital technology by businesses
As governments took action to reduce social interaction, businesses had to adapt by introducing alternative working arrangements. SMEs (including microenterprises) with low level of digital intensity find it challenging to provide their staff with the possibility to work from home.

Digital public services
The COVID-19 crisis shows how important it is to ensure the continuation of governmental activities
when social distancing measures are in place.

Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands have the most advanced digital economies in the EU followed by Malta, Ireland and Estonia. Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Italy have the lowest scores on the index.

Foster access to vet mobility for youngsters with sen

Kick-off meeting, 13th-14th February 2020
Vicenza, Italy

The kick-off meeting of MovAbility – Foster Access to VET Mobility for Youngsters with SEN project was held on February 13th-14th 2020 in Vicenza, Italy. The partners were officially welcomed by the Deputy Mayor of Vicenza Matteo Tosetto, also councilor for the social policies.
Main objectives of the meeting were to set the official start of the project, establish relations between all partners, provide clarification about administrative issues and define the specific work that each participant is going to make in the following months.
Furthermore, all partners presented a brief context analysis about the situation of people with special needs in Education, Work Placement and Social Life in each involved country (Spain – Montemadrid Foundation, Poland – Semper Avanti, Bulgaria – Institute of Perspectives, Bulgaria – European Association for Innovation and Growth, Czech Republic – Qualo, Ireland – North-West Academy, France – Aformac).

This project is coordinated by the Italian social enterprise FORTES and the main objectives are:

– Established or reinforced cooperation among European organisations through the exchange of experiences;
– Developed local partnerships among learning institutions, businesses and intermediary bodies;
– Raised awareness among local entities and stakeholders on social inclusion, non-discrimination, access to disadvantaged;
– Fostered the access to VET mobility opportunities for youngsters with special needs and eased their transition to the labour market, as well as their social integration.

Erasmus+ Programme

Call for proposals 2020 — EAC/A02/2019

The Erasmus+ Program has published a call for proposals for projects supporting mobility and cooperation in education, training, youth and sport for 2020. The total budget for the year will be

The total budget earmarked for this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 3 207,4 million, in excess of €3 billion, an increase of 12% over 2019.

Education and Training: 2 943,3 million EUR
Youth: 191,9 million EUR
Jean Monnet: 14,6 million EUR
Sport: 57,6 million EUR

Both public and private bodies working in the fields of education, training, youth and sport can apply for Erasmus+ funding, as can groups of young people who are active in youth work but not formally established as youth organisations.

Deadline for the submission of applications

KA1  Learning mobility of individuals

  • Mobility of individuals in the field of youth: 5 February 2020
  • Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education: 5 February 2020
  • Mobility of individuals in VET, school education and adult education fields: 5 February 2020
  • Mobility of individuals in the field of youth: 5 February 2020
  • Mobility of individuals in the field of youth: 1 October 2020
  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees: 13 February 2020

KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

  • Strategic partnerships in the field of youth: 5 February 2020
  • Strategic partnerships in the field of education and training: 24 March 2020
  • Strategic partnerships in the field of youth: 30 April 2020
  • Strategic partnerships in the field of youth: 1 October 2020
  • European Universities: 26 February 2020
  • Knowledge Alliances: 26 February 2020
  • Sector Skills Alliances: 26 February 2020
  • Capacity building in the field of higher education: 5 February 2020
  • Capacity building in the field of youth: 5 February 2020

KA3 – Support for policy reform

  • Youth Dialogue projects: 5 February 2020; 30 April 2020; 1 October 2020

Jean Monnet

  • Chairs, Modules, Centres of Excellence, Support to Associations, Networks, Projects: 20 February 2020


  • Collaborative partnerships, Small collaborative partnerships, Not-for-profit European sport events: 2 April 2020

Assessment of the Europe 2020 strategy

Joint report of the Employment Committee and the Social Protection Committee

The Europe 2020 Strategy has been the EU’s agenda for growth and jobs over the current decade. It emphasises smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in order to improve Europe’s competitiveness and productivity and underpin a sustainable social market economy. This report focuses on the progress achieved in the employment and social domains under the Europe 2020 Strategy (and in particular the progress against the headline targets for employment and poverty and social exclusion) and the lessons learned from its implementation. It also provides an assessment of the impact of the EMCO and the SPC’s work and of their monitoring and reporting frameworks in this context, and contains some reflections on the scope for improvement. Finally, it also considers the structural challenges for the decade ahead that will be important to take into consideration in any discussion on a possible successor strategy to Europe 2020.


Mountains, Islands and Sparsely Populated Areas
Joint report of the Employment Committee and the Social Protection Committee

A recent analysis shows how 15 Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) dealt with specific challenges due to the insular, mountainous and/or sparsely populated nature of their territories. The analysis – which covers the 2014-2020 period – details these challenges and presents solutions via EU Regional Policy. Specifically, it focuses on actions relating to jobs, growth and investment in communities situated on mountains and islands and in sparsely populated areas co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF), and via mainstream, as well as European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), programmes. Reflecting its full commitment to such areas beyond 2020, the European Commission has proposed an enabling framework that is focused on flexibility and would provide multiple ways to further unlock their rich potential.

Government at a Glance 2019

delivers public service performance data and comparisons, providing a vision of the state of the public sector and the trends that are shaping it across the OECD and beyond. The 2019 edition includes input indicators on public finance and employment; while processes include data on institutions, budgeting practices and procedures, human resources management, regulatory government, public procurement and digital government and open data. With indicators in over 60 areas of governance, it offers data and insights for governments that seek to better understand their own practices and who wish to benchmark their achievements. Policy makers, journalists, academics and the general public will benefit from its detailed comparisons and clear presentation of the data used to understand the bigger picture.

European tourism: recent developments and future challenges

Global tourism has now grown for nine years in succession, with international arrivals reaching 1.4 billion in 2018, two years ahead of forecasts. Growth in tourism receipts continue to out-perform global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and have now reached 1.7 trillion USD. Tourism now accounts for 7% of global exports, making it the world’s third largest export industry. Europe is ranked as the world’s number one destination for international arrivals, 713 million in 2018, over half the global total, growing by 6% in 2018. Early indications are that 2019 will see further growth, although at more modest levels than 2018. Tourism creates a surplus for the European Union (EU) economy, with international tourism receipts exceeding EU residents spending on international tourism by 27 billion in 2016. The industry represents around 6% of total EU export earnings, making it the fourth largest export industry. The study “The study European tourism: recent developments and future challenges“ aims to provide an overview of the current state of affairs in European Tourism, considering the latest developments, and where possible identifying future challenges and emerging opportunities. It draws a number of conclusions and where appropriate makes recommendations at an EU policy level that will support the sustainable development of the sector.