Project number: 101061424
Responsible Unit: REA/C/01
Topic: HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-05 – Integration of emerging new technologies into education and training
Type of Action: HORIZON-RIA
Duration: 36
Start date: 01/09/2022
End date: 31/08/2025
Lead Partner: Universitat Jaume I, Spain
General objectives:
Distance learning has become a great ally in the current pandemic situation. The e-DIPLOMA project will establish e-learning in an upper quality level in a three years’ research project, posing the use of Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Interactive Technologies, chatbots and gamification in a newly designed e-learning platform. This project will use techniques and technologies previously proven successfully in the broadcasting, gaming, and eSports industries. They will be adapted to the educational world developing innovative learning practices. A co-creation methodology will be used to include the main educational actors (teachers, educators, pupils, families, course providers and policy makers) and their social relationships.
In the first phase, the Horizon Europe e-DIPLOMA project will examine the strengths and weaknesses of the current European e-learning ecosystem, as well as the benefits of the latest technologies for online training, especially in experiential learning. e-DIPLOMA will analyse the usefulness of disruptive technologies to support education and training systems, specifically in practical distance learning and, therefore, the project focuses its analysis on the training levels of practical pre-university education and higher education.
In the second phase of the project, following a co-creation methodology, it will be determined which technologies are the most suitable for dealing with different types of educational methodologies.
In the third phase, the platform to be developed in e-DIPLOMA will host three educational modules that will integrate artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, interactive technologies and gamification techniques, and pilot experiences will be carried out in different countries so that cultural aspects can be taken into account when assessing the results obtained.
Finally, in the fourth phase of the project, based on the results obtained previously, the e-learning platform developed will be redesigned and redefined.
In a transversal way, the use of these new technologies and the digitalisation of training will also be studied in terms of inclusion, accessibility and sustainability. To this end, an e-learning environment will be created that will avoid raising new inequalities between people and even countries. e-DIPLOMA will investigate the potential, opportunities, barriers, accessibility and risks of the use of emerging technologies for education, in order to support the digital transformation from the understanding of the social, ethical, political and economic impacts of digital practices. Another of the fundamental pillars of the project is the adequate training of teaching staff in relation to new educational technologies.
ARGENTUM Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the European Research Executive Agency (REA) can be held responsible for them.
Programme: Erasmus + KA2
Project number: 021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000029820
Duration: 01/11/2021 – 01/11/2023
Lead Partner: European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria)
A report of the European Commission highlights that by 2070, 30.3% of the population is projected to be aged 65 years or older and 13.2% is projected to be aged 80 years or older. The Green Paper on Ageing issued by the European Commission in January 2021 reports that the silver economy is expected to grow by about 5% a year from EUR 3.7 trillion in 2015 to EUR 5.7 trillion in 2025 and therefore it will open up new job opportunities in many sectors.
Given this framework, it is clear that we should update the labour market to the elderly’s needs, starting from addressing the lack of skills concerning today’s companies, local authorities and the non-governmental sector.
ARGENTUM project wants to promote the concept of Silver economy, which, despite the demographic trend mentioned above, is not very well known among private and public entities.
The main objective of the project is to create an Innovative Cluster for Silver economy with the aim to provide tailor made training courses, enhance collaboration and give visibility to all the relevant actors for the sector.
In the cluster will participate companies and service providers, which operate in Information technology, Welfare, Health&Care, Tourism, Leisure/Sport and Education (the 7 markets of Silver Economy).
ARGENTUM project promotes innovation and Silver economy and create bridges between researchers, policy makers, business, education, local governments and civil society. Throughout the project, the consortium wants to create a favorable environment for development of Silver economy and the institutional, academic, business and civil entities must be prepared to turn the challenge of an ageing population into an opportunity.
Project results:
ARGENTUM The information, documentation and figures in this page are written by the ARGENTUM project consortium (Grant Agreement 021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000029820) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
Programme: Erasmus + KA2
Project number: 2020-1-BG01-KA226-VET-095173
Duration: 04/04/2021 – 03/04/2023
Lead Partner: European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria)
Expected results:
IKSE The information, documentation and figures in this page are written by the IKSE project consortium (Grant Agreement 2020-1-BG01-KA226-VET-095173) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
Programme: Erasmus + KA2
Project number: 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033352
Duration: 17/01/2022 – 17/01/2024
Lead Partner: Ente Nazionale per il Microcredito (Italy)
European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria)
Euradia Italia SrL (Italy)
Culture action Europe Aisbl (Belgium)
Impact Hub Leipzig GmbH (Germany)
The CCS companies experienced overall positive growth (+4.3%) in most EU countries in the last years and play an important role in the majority of European economies as their share reaches at least 10% in most countries of total companies in the business services sector. Nevertheless, the fact that they face challenges in accessing finance is one of the critical obstacles to their growth
General objectives:
The ProCCS project aims to support the overall CCS by reinforcing the competences of professionals active in the CCS and connecting CCS professionals with the business and microfinance sector, supporting cultural entrepreneurs in the implementation and financing of their business ideas.
Specific objectives:
• To create a European community of mentors who are specialized in providing complete online training and tutoring to professionals active in the Cultural and Creative Sector
• To support the development of sense of initiative, managerial and entrepreneurial skills of CCS professionals
• To support the development of microbusiness ideas in the CCS by easing the access to credit and funding opportunities
• To support financial intermediaries in better understanding of specificity and peculiarity of the CCS and to reinforce their awareness on the economic potential of the sector itself
Target groups:
Project results:
Programme: Erasmus + KA2
Project number: 2019-1-IT01-KA202-007790
Duration: 01/10/2019 – 30/09/2021 (extended – 30/06/2022
Lead Partner: FORTES Impresa Sociale (Italy)
• European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria)
• Institute Perspectives (Bulgaria)
• AFORMAC (France)
• Obra Social y Montede Piedad de Madrid (Spain)
• North West Academy of English Limited (Ireland)
• Qualo training & mobility, s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
Having an experience abroad is a common dream of many students in Europe. The Erasmus Plus program offers the opportunity to travel around Europe and discover new places and new cultures. Experiences abroad are gratifying and provide young people with skills useful for their future. Students with disabilities would like to have the same opportunities of their peers. Even though the Erasmus Plus program is open to all, students with special needs may find some barriers in accessing to mobility opportunities.
The general objective of the project is to foster the participation to VET mobility opportunities for youngsters with special needs, easing their transition to the labour market and their social integration. Besides this general objective, the project pursues two specific objectives.
Specific objectives: The first one is to establish or reinforce cooperation among VET providers from other European countries in order to exchange experiences. The second one is to develop local partnerships among learning institutions, businesses and intermediary bodies and raise awareness on topics such as social inclusion, non-discrimination and equity.
Target group: youngsters aged 16-20 with special needs already enrolled in educational or training paths. Our project will focus on the first two categories, which are: learners with disabilities, namely students with disabilities or impairments viewed in medical terms as organic disorders attributable to organic pathologies and learners with difficulties, namely students with behavioral or emotional disorders, or specific difficulties in learning.
Programme: Erasmus + K2
Project number: 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008393
Duration: 1/12/2020 – 31/05/2-23
Lead Partner: National Association for Industry and Tertiary (Italy)
Partners: European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria)
Diesis Coop (Belgium)
Der Paritatische (Germany)
LUMSA (Italy)
The crisis scenario of the western capitalist system and the important elements of economic critics, mainly deriving from two prevalent factors such as the concentration of wealth in the hands of an ever decreasing number of people and the reduction in the number of companies, flanked by the growing presence of oligopolies, together with an employment and wage crisis and an inadequacy of the Western countries “employment policies in addressing such a renewed framework, reiterates the important issues of workers” participation in the management and profit of the company and the concomitant theme of the development of welfare within the companies themselves.
In such a context, characterized by the limited competences of the European Union in terms of employment and social policies that remain in the hands of national governments, it is important to verify the legal framework of legislative reference of the Member States of the European Union to try to develop a comparison, and to be able to know the good practices promoted both at institutional level and at company level by the European companies.
In the various European countries, good practices in favor of employees’ participation and for the improvement of welfare policy are implemented by some companies with positive results in terms of productivity of the companies. However, the partner organizations have highlighted a lack of knowledge of welfare policies and the lack of skills to apply good practices as a problem to be addressed, in order to foster integrated business development, enhancing their ability to respond to changed context.
In this context, the project aims to support business development and employment growth through a
training course aimed at employers, staff active in the human resources sector and responsible for corporate welfare and aimed at acquiring skills to ensure greater productivity of companies, reconciling it with the desire to enhance workers’ well-being. To reach this purpose, the project proposes to:
– Carry out an activity of knowledge and collection of the normative and procedural systems of European institutions and business actors on the two identified themes, examining how policies that encourage workers’ participation and welfare development can help companies to be competitive;
– Create and test an educational program, aimed at training employers, staff active in the field of human resources and responsible for corporate welfare, enabling them to acquire skills to apply good practices in their own context;
– Concretely train participants through a process that involves the combination of a theoretical and practical phase and aimed at multiplying the results obtained with the contexts of origin;
– Product and publish guidelines that give normative references and contain an integrated collection of good practices aimed at encouraging a greater participation and the improvement of company welfare.
Lead Partner:
Plataforma Representativa Estatal de Personas
con Discapacidad Física (Spain)
European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria)
EUducate (Spain)
Italian Chamber of Commerce in Portugal (Portugal)
4Film ltd (Croatia)
Fare società cooperativa sociale a responsabilità limitata (Italy)
Center for promoting lifelong learning – CPIP (Romania)
During the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Member States agreed to launch a process to develop a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The SDGs are to address all three dimensions of sustainable development (environmental, economic and social) and be coherent with and integrated into the United Nations global development agenda. Disability is referenced in various parts of the SDGs and specifically in parts related to education, growth and employment, inequality, accessibility of human settlements, as well as data collection and monitoring of the SDGs, for instance:
The project “Youth and Sustainable Development Goals for the promotion of inclusion of people with disabilities” aims to contribute to the awareness of young people and young people with disabilities on the Sustainable Development Goals, involving young people across the EU to become future active citizens and take part in their decisions
Project results:
Programme: Erasmus + KA2
Project number: 2021-2-PL01-KA220-VET-000050155
Duration: 02/05/2022 – 02/05/2024
Lead Partner: Central European Chamber of Commerce (Poland)
European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria)
Consorzio Agrituristico Mantovano (Italy)
Packaging Meeting Srl (Italy)
Inercia digital SL (Spain)
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia)
Association Viva Sol (Lithuania)
Gábor Behtlen SZKI (Hungary)
As underlined by the European Green Deal, the sustainability issue needs to be tackled on various levels. On the front of the agricultural production, it is possible to identify three fundamental issues:
– farmers’ unpreparedness on EU regulation;
– farmers’ overuse of non-recyclable/reusable packaging;
– farmers’ unpreparedness on digital marketing strategies as a way to reduce food waste.
Through the so-called “Farm to Fork Strategy” the EU is trying to achieve a circular economy, by reducing the environmental impact of the food processing and retail sectors by taking action on transport, storage, packaging and food waste.
General objectives:
The main objective of the project is to train small farmers on European environmental regulation, on the topics of innovative sustainable packaging and digital marketing strategies useful to the implementation of the Farm to Fork approach and the reduction of food waste.
Specific objectives:
Target groups:
Project results:
Programme: Erasmus + KA1
Project number: 2019-2-TR01-KA105-078745
Duration: 01/08/2019 – 31/01/2021
Lead Partner: Entrepreneurship for Everyone and Innovation Association (Turkey)
• European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgaria)
• Academy of Entrepreneurship Astiki Etaireia (Greece)
• ORGANOSI GI (Greece)
• OVER (Latvia)
• Teknik Tarım (Turkey)
PROJECT SUMMARY: In today’s world, an innovative approach to agriculture and the development of individuals who are involved in agricultural activities can be effectively achieved by the active use of technology. Especially for young farmers, using efficient and innovative production methods, to enable them reaching new national and international market opportunities, studying innovative practices in agriculture and transferring innovation from developed countries so that they can take advantage of technology effectively as a remarkable local development model.
The general objective is to introduce employment opportunities to unemployed young people in the field of agriculture and to gain new skills to increase their employability and entrepreneurship in this field.
Specific objectives:
• To Include 45 unemployed young people between the ages of 18 and 30 from 4 countries;
• To make unemployed youth aware of employment and entrepreneurship; opportunities in agriculture.
• To develop skills of youth to increase their entrepreneurship in agriculture;
• To ensuring the exchange of knowledge, experience, and good practices through individuals or experts in this field;
• To ensure that young people get inspired by successful entrepreneurs and have the self-confidence to create change
• To inform the participants about the Erasmus + Program and learn how to benefit from employment and entrepreneurship supports;
• To ensuring cultural change among young people in 4 countries and breaking down possible prejudices.
Target group:
• 18-30 aged youth with economic obstacles;
• 25-30 aged youth who want to be agriculture entrepreneur;
• 25-30 aged people who are agriculture entrepreneurs;
• 18-30 aged refugee or immigrant woman (if possible)